Mission Trips
At Epiphany our passion is to encourage people to have faith in Jesus, to equip people for discipleship and to facilitate people’s engagement in the mission of the Church.
One way in which we achieve this objective is by running overseas Mission/Aid and Development trips to Papua New Guinea (PNG) and to a Karen refugee camp on the Thailand/Myanmar border, in which parishioners get to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed, through the provision of essential services to those in need.
These mission opportunities encourages parishioners in their own faith development and discipleship.
Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Border Mission Trip to Karen Refugee Camp
Image 1 and 2: Maw Kwe School Accomodation; Image 3: Karen Youth Day Celebration
Missional Activities
In response to the COVID pandemic REACH West Epiphany established a Foodbank which operates out of the Penrose Community Centre in Tarneit. Open on Tuesday mornings, the Foodbank provides food relief to approximately 40 families on a weekly bases. For more information please contact info@reachwest.org.au
Aid relief in Mynamar
In recent times Karen and other minority ethnic groups in Myanmar have again been displaced as a result of renewed military operations within the country. In response to this recent humanitarian crisis, REACH West – Epiphany organised and sent a shipping container of clothing and blankets to a refugee camp of the Thai border with Myanmar. For more information on how to donate to our overseas aid programmes please go to “Giving”
REACH West Community Services
REACH West Community Services operates a number of community services, from training women from CALD communities to be “Advocates” and “First Aid Responders” to domestic and Family violence, through to financial and budgeting coaching. REACH West Community is a tax-deductable, not-for-profit Foundations. For more information on how to donate to REACH West Community Services please refer to our Giving page.
Refugee Housing Program
One of the most significant programs that REACH West Community Services operates is our Refugee Housing Program. Short term, low rent accomodation is provided to recently arrived refugees and migrants in need.
Epiphany seeks to Engage in God’s mission both at home and abroad. One way we do this is by supporting missionaries who share the gospel in other countries.
Currently, we support two missionary families:
Chris and Grace Adams, serving in Timor-Leste with CMS Australia and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Timor-Leste. Grace is supporting the fledgling work of Scripture Union, while Chris is engaged in teaching preaching, forming church leaders, young adults ministry and developing Bible resources in the local language, Tetun.
“What good is it my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one says to them; ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way faith by itself if not accompanied by actions, is dead.” (James 2:14-17)