Child Safe and Prevention of Violence Against Women (PVAW) Policy
REACH West upholds the Christian teaching that all people are created in the image and likeness of God and are therefore endowed with intrinsic dignity, value and worth and should be afforded every opportunity to thrive and reach their God-given potential.
REACH West is committed to providing a safe, faith based community that encourages and supports healthy relationships in keeping with the teaching of the Christian Scriptures.
REACH West therefore condemns any violence or abuse perpetrated against any individual.
As such REACH West
- Has a zero tolerance approach to child exploitation and abuse or the abuse of women
- Has an appointed Child Safety Officer who reports directly to the Church Council
- Maintains a register of WWC and CRIM Checks for all persons engaged in ministry with children or who through the church have regular contact with children.
- Will not knowingly engage, either directly or indirectly, anyone who poses a risk to children
- Adheres, through its international aid work, to the “Doing Good Rewards – Child Protection Policy October 2018 published for DGR
- Is committed to the PVAW (Prevention of Violence Against Women) program run by the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne (
Where evidence exist to support a suspicion of child exploitation or abuse, members of REACH West - Epiphany Anglican Church, are obligated to report this suspicion to the appropriate authorities, including though not limited to the Parish Child Safety officer, Vicar, Wardens, Kooyoora Professional Standards ( and/or the Victorian Police where appropriate.